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The Inner Influence of Joining Overseas Volunteer Program on students

submitted by



Abby Lee

Wenzoa Ursuline College of Languages


Joining overseas volunteer program is getting popular among students in Taiwan, students join overseas volunteer programs to help those who are in need around the world and also to gain the feeling of self-worth and respect but without financial gain in return.  Nowadays, the importance of life education and discipline education is gaining educators’ and parents’ attention which makes the growing up of overseas volunteer program.  Moreover, the concept of Gap year, which is the idea of putting off college or work for a year to have some deeper self-exploration, is now starting to gain notice in Taiwan.  With the two trends mentioned above and the promotions from government(like National Youth Commission, Executive Yuan) and celebrities(like public welfare traveller Chu Shi Ying), Taiwanese parents are now more acceptable for letting their children have pauses in their academic life or carrier.

         According to Taiwan National Youth Commission, Executive Yuan’s statistics, there were 1,697 people who participated in youth volunteer programme in 2011.  According to Eden Social Welfare Foundation’s statistics, in the year of 2010, there were over 3,000 registers applied for 1,000 overseas volunteer.  Moreover, among those volunteer, there was children from celebrity families.  These all show Taiwan’s youth now are more willing to devote into overseas volunteer program and the importance of experiential learning arises in parents’ mind.  This paper discusses the overseas volunteer program participants’ expectation of volunteer program and if they have real inner growth after the programs.  





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